In about another week, dear friends, I will embark on my first true effort at holiday sale maddness. I will become just another willing and even eager participant in the psychotic phenomenom otherwise known as "Black Friday".
For those of you who know me well, you probably realize how unusual this is for me. I typically am a little bit of a "crowd" snob and refuse to partake in the shopping craziness the day after Thanksgiving. In fact, the term "Black Friday", itself, was completely foreign to me. I thought it was just something that had to do with the Great Depression... but desperate times call for desperate measures, kids.
Let me explain. My husband and I have decided to make our first official "real" grown up purchase. Besides our couch. Which, upon further consideration, perhaps we should have waited on that purchase. At least until our puppy was full grown. But anyways...
Well, everyone, we are buying a flatscreen TV. A 42 inch LCD moniter with a special option that will tint the screen according to the level of natural light in the room. Yeah, I know... it's a pretty big freaking deal.
I'm not much of a TV person. I mean, we don't even have cable. But it is really starting to get on my nerves that the three or so hours a week that I spend watching television are constistently being interrupted by our screen going out. By going out, I mean, just that... going out somewhere. I don't know where, but we've discovered through good old fashioned trial and error that if we jump with both feet right in this particular spot in front of our couch, there is about a 87% success rate of having it come back.
Why get such a nice tv, you ask? Why the heck not? That's what my hubbie always says. In truth, we were looking at the 36 inch, but my father-in-law said "Why not just go for the 42 incher?" and Mike, being the easily persuaded man that he is decided that that was enough reason for him.
So a few months back I caved in and we went to work. We called up our respective parental units and explained that this year, all we want is money. Really. True, we've said it before and probably didn't really mean it, but this year we're legit. Then the real struggle began.
The last few weeks have been spent scoping out underground "pre-black" Friday websites and coupon centers during my lunch hours and previewing our picks on the store shelves in the evenings. We've narrowed it down to our top contender, but there is no way in heck that I am writing it out here, in case one of you are my competition come a week from Friday.
So there I will be, 3 am on Friday morning. Fighting my turkey hangover with a hot cup of dunkin dougnuts coffee and plotting our route through the aisles to our prize. Perhaps, if the "nutty holiday shopping gods", in which I don't, of course, believe in, smile upon us, I will have a success story to share with you all!
Wish us luck!