Wow, can you believe its been THREE WHOLE MONTHS since I blogged last? I couldn't... but I know my mom and Kevin VonQualen can... they've been getting on my case for some time now about posting something- ANYTHING- so here I am back and ready to blog.
What to talk about? There's so much that has happened, not only in the world in general (I will not be discussing the democratic national convention or the Brangina twins, so if you are willing and ready to debate those- find someone else who has more invested in those. I am too shallow for such things), but also in my own little personal bubble. I've decided that I would catch everyone up and give my thoughts on a whole plethera of topics... get ready, this is gonna be a long one.
First of all, I'm expecting. Yes, readers, I am knocked up and am due February 26th. Most all of you know this by now. At least, I sincerely hope that you do... though, I've tried my darndest to keep the news off facebook and myspace until word could be passed via mouth, but I'm not superwoman, and I actually don't have the time to call everyone, personally. And actually, I don't have all that many cell phone minutes. Note: favorite commercial of the summer "I bet my sister would take the milky minutes" "but isn't your sister lactose intolerant?" Just doesn't ever get old.
Anyway... I am nearly 14 weeks along, which places me comfortably (and I mean that pretty literally) in the second trimester. Gone are the days of constant car-sick stomach and falling asleep at my desk. I am now able to eat an entire plateful of food (and then some, truth be told- at least when there is watermelon or tatertots involved-hmmm. I. love. tatertots.) I can stay awake for the evening news, or at least long enough to scratch my husband's belly until he falls asleep- which goes a long way towards making up for months of "please either stop breathing or get out of this bed because I will puke on you".
My only complaint about this wonderful honeymoon period of my pregnancy is that I am currently without wardrobe. I've got cute clothes that are suffacatingly snug around the waist and therefore not at all flattering, and then I've got cute clothes that a bit baggy and optimistic at this point and are therefore also not all that figure flattering. I imagine in a few weeks, though, Baby will take care of the issue, and I'll be whistling a different tune.
What else? Harry Potter number 6's release date has been postponed until next summer, which will officially make me way too old to care by the time number 7 part deux is released in like 2020 or whenever. I'm kind of irritated. I know its all about the benjamins, and money is key... but honestly, how long can they milk this series? The answer? Probably forever, which is super discouraging, because as much as I say I won't care in 5, 10 years- I still will. And let's face it, all other super fans will, too. Ugh.
My new literary love began and wrapped this summer (lucky for me, it wasn't a 5 year long wait that others, including my younger sister, hed to endure). If you haven't heard of Stephenie Meyer and her Twilight Universe, you are either under a rock or just way too cool for those kinds of pop culture things (and I applaud you, for I am way too willing to be sucked in at any point). The story of a immortally brooding handsome vampire and his teenage soulmate will be heading to theaters this fall (in HP's place, thank goodness, I now have something to do that weekend besides mope) and I suggest you all jump on the bandwagon. The series is undoubtably better, as per usual, but I realize that not everyone is willing to give 700 page novels a chance on a whim. Not judging. Meyer is being compared to JK Rowling all over the place, which I don't quite understand... not that she isn't an incredible author, but the books are nothing alike. They have, however, taken a hold of an ENORMOUS fan base all over the world (google "twilight" and you will see what I mean- its insane). And, the author actually lists some pretty fabulous "soundtracks" for her books on her website which I find both charming and addicting. She's got pretty incredible taste in music for a mom of three. It makes me hopeful that Baby Hahn won't suck all the coolness I possess when it makes its arrival. Yeesh.
The olympics. Goodness those were exciting, weren't they? I've got to be honest here, a HUGE part of the appeal for me is that, even though I don't have cable, for two-ish weeks every two years, I get to watch the same thing as everyone else. I feel a part of it all for once. It's a beautiful thing. My quick synopsis: the US gymnasts were shafted, Michael Phelps gives hope to bullied kids on playgrounds everywhere, "Lightening" Bolt was delightful to watch as he breezily jogged his way to world records, and the womens beach volley ball players wear way less clothes then the men's- intentional? I think so. There were other events, like diving (which I can barely watch because I am irrationally afraid that one of them is going to crack their head open on a spring board), equestrian (I don't have cable) and basketball (the "redeem team" seriously? How about its hardly fair that ridiculously over paid, insanely arrogant NBA players get to represent the US, while collegiate athletes that actually love the game stay home?), but I didn't catch all those. You can fill me in on anything that I missed.
Oh yeah, and Jason Lesak is my hero. Take that frenchies. And moving on from my moment of political incorrectness...
... And on to my "bragging right moment of the summer". I. sat. fourth. row. Brad. Paisley. Now some of you are thinking what?! That's awesome! I know it is. (some of you are also thinking "who is that? And to all of you... I stick out my tongue and ask you to skip over this part. Geez.) That's right, kids, Erin and her summer concert marathon partner, Meg, were picked for the "hot girl seats", as her hubbie says. Not because they were hot, (temperature-wise perhaps... I am a walking sauna on a chilly day), for we were sans makeup, mini skirts, halter tops or even hot pink leopard print cowboy hats, rather, just because we were willing to sit on the concrete to watch our friend Brad. And aparently, Brad rewards that kind of loyalty with a couple of VIP section seats. Dear readers, we could see right up his nose and touch him as he danced by us (if we were creepy like that- which we aren't).
It was fabulous.
Well, if you've made it this far, I am flattered and I congratulate you. There's probably more. We had several super fun and beautiful weddings for very close friends this summer... and I watched my husband do interpretive "so you think you can dance" routines at all of them (he could really rival Mia, I think). Team Joshua, by the way... we called that one, didn't we Jenny? I even learned the "superman" at Rachel and Kurt's wedding, which I think qualifies as the most embarassing moment of the summer (not for me, I stumbled through it will glorious rhythmically challenged white girl pride- but for all those that really, truely, purposefully performed that dance. What on earth? And I thought "getting jiggy wit it" was silly!)
I hope to write more soon. I honestly do! Sorry this particular blog is such a mess, but its kind of like getting your voice back after a weeks of larengitus- I just have so much to say! I promise to be more concise and reader-worthy in the future. Please comment! Its been too long!