Thursday, January 31, 2008

Okay, I give in. I like winter.

I've decided that I have had a poor attitude about the winter season. Rather then enjoying it for what it is, and recognizing God's blessings in it, I have been merely surviving winter. I have this mind set of "just make it through the next few months, weeks and days and then it will be glorious spring!". Which is pretty typical, I think. Most people, especially in this area of the country have this sort of reasoning.

But no longer will I be this way. When I lived in the UP, winter stretched its icy grip from October until May. Literally. And I really loved it! I know that may sound insane, but I completely embraced the frigid temperatures and snowy landscapes.

I think that the difference was the general outlook of the population about the outside conditions. The meteorologists gave the weather report with the same enthusiasm and gusto as they would in mid July, rather then starting off each broadcast as though they are giving the uligy at their best friends funeral. The kids dutifully piled on the layers and had snowball fights at their bus stops, instead of praying every night for a snow day. The weekends were spent skiing, sledding, ice fishing or at hockey tournements and when the weather was cold, everyone was thrilled to take advantage of their piping hot saunas.

Even for someone like me, who can hardly be called an outdoors enthusiast (unless you count sunbathing, which my husband, one of those true outdoorsy types, doesn't), curling up with my knitting needles and a good chic flic was the ultimate weekend pasttime.

The point is, God doesn't make mistakes and He certaintly doesn't subscribe to the idea of purgatory. So winter was never meant to be just suffered through. It isn't just a temporary lull before the "real" seasons begin.

It is a gift. A time to love and embrace and eat rich foods, and watch entire seasons of Felicity while drinking hot chocolate (made with 4 scoops, not just three and complete with a layer of mini marshmellows), and to watch your puppy skip around the back yard with a small pile of snow on his nose and to wear baggy figure-hiding sweaters and chunky knit scarves.

So what if you have to start your car twenty minutes before you are supposed to leave... its kind of refreshing, isn't it? I mean, to hop into a toasty, well-oiled auto first thing in the morning? And whats the big deal about wearing boots and mittens? I LOVE mittens, personally. They are so comfy cozy and they really ignite my inner five year old (not that that take much work). And I'd rather a pair of ugly boots over pointy high heels any day! And who cares if the sidewalks are a tad slippery? Some of the absolute most hilarious moments in life happen on slick walk ways... ask my old roomate, Katie. I still snicker to myself obnoxiously when I think of her face plant outside the LRC back in 2004.

The point is: I like winter, now.

1 comment:

*Kirk, Jenny, Joel, and Bria* said...

thanks for the glass-is-half-full perspective...I suffer from a chronic dislike of winter...