Thursday, March 6, 2008

my little idea for a so called "better tomorrow"

I think that it should become a government sanctioned rule that everyone should have to wear uniforms. To work, to school, to the mall. Actually, I suppose that if the wearing of uniforms were enforced, malls would become kind of not necessary. Wouldn't they?

Anyhow, the reason I bring it up is that I truely hate clothes. Don't misunderstand me, I feel they are absolutely necessary... You won't see me lobbying for mandatory nudest colonies or anything crazy like that. But I absolutely abhor picking out clothes each and every morning. I am pretty sure that the only time that I feel like I really look good is when I am wearing something brand spankin new, and that is just not economically feasible. There is something about wearing a new outfit that makes you feel like a million bucks.

No wonder celebs are constantly shopping. Every time you see a paparazzi shot taken in hollywood or new york, the celeb in question is caught bustling in or out of some fancy shmancy overpriced boutique with a skim latte in hand... an exorbitant credit line at the ready! It makes perfect sense to me! The reason why they all look completely at ease and confident in their own skin is their new clothes!

Well, a constant supply of new and fashionable clothing is, as previously stated, not economic. Therefore, I nominate uniforms. I don't know what they should look like, maybe there should be some reality tv fashion show contest where aspiring designers could create something comfortable, practical and of course flattering.

Think about it, gang warfare would drop drastically. Okay, perhaps not. They would still have all those hand gestures and banadanas and what not to go off of.

Alright. So nothing drastic and state-of-the-world-altering would happen if we instated uniformality. And really, the whole idea is pretty reminiscent of a socialist dictatorship. Right, I know. I get it. But I, for one, would approve heartily.

1 comment:

Pastor Richard said...

What a great idea; I would totally go for the uniform standard, as long as I don’t have to wear a tie! I’m not sure the idea would fly around the country, but one idea that I have found that worked well is Garanamals for kids. Once you knew your animal, everything slid into place. There are mornings when I wish I could get dressed by simply matching up the Yellow Giraffe or the Blue Hippopotamus. Anyway, if you are ever looking for someone to be a part of a movement toward uniforms, let me know!