Sometimes, I get up on my soapbox. Other times, I just like to vent. Often, I just enjoy sharing something that is important to me with anyone who cares to read it.
Friday, September 26, 2008
You don't back out on Letterman without consequences...
Let it be known that if you decide to diss Letterman, you run the risk of said diss being exploited all over you tube for all those politically undecided 20 somethings to watch over and over and over....
Whoops. Hope the Katie Couric interview was worth it.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hilarious and sadly so true...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
To celebrate my friend...

Most of you know, I am crap with remembering birthdays (reading lots of british chic lit at the moment- so say that with an accent, it sounds cooler). Unfortunately, my husband is even worse. I'm not saying that I am turning over a new leaf or anything (THAT would be way too optimistic), but today, I remembered that it is my good friend's birthday. Mike and I both neglected him last year, for which we felt more than terrible about... because his friendship means so much to us! (For the record, I forgot his beautiful wife, Lindsay's birthday, as well... and I remembered their anniversary an entire month after it's actual date.)
But he passed it over out the kindness of his heart anyhow, and for the first time in my life, I returned the books on time (in case you were wondering). We didn't actually become friends that day- more like a year later when Mike and Kevin became roomates/started their lifelong bromance... but the day still sticks out in my memory.
Kevin is a stand up kind of guy. He's my "slow-walking- I am NOT power walking 14 miles, guys are you kidding me?!" beach buddy (Florida 2002), "laugh-till-you can't stop your face from looking absolutely ridiculous-while watching Super Troopers" buddy, my "they could have stopped making music after 1999, as far as I'm concerned" buddy, and he and his wife have certaintly found a spot in our hearts as our "God knew what He was doing when he made us neighbors" buddies.
And, if you don't already know this by now, he's an incredible photographer (and I am not just saying that because we are on the lifetime-free pics family plan)... I don't know that I have ever plugged his site or blog on my blog before... so here it is.
Check it out, for real. He's amazingly talented.
Happiest Birthday to you, KVQ!
PS I am fully aware that at this point EVERY single person that I have neglected will want to remind me of this now, so I can do a write up on how much their friendship means to me... as much as I would like to say I am on top of that... its a pipe dream my friends. Just know that I love you all and think of you often (even if it's not on the correct day) and if you forget my bdays for the rest of my life, I will never begrudge you, in all fairness.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Dallas School System on
I'd like to see a follow up done in 10 years with these kids to see if they've made it out of their parent's basements and into the real world yet. Yikes.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Okay, I "yearbooked" myself...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
You hear the horror stories of sobbing, emotionally out of control pregnant women, but this is something else. I don't cry (that much, anyways, not much more then typical at any rate). But I have recently garnered the patience level of a toddler. I spend a large part of my day just plain old IRRITATED. With everyone who DOESN'T matter and who aren't really doing anything wrong (to me, anyways, to the rest of the world at large, I can't say). Like the person hesitating at the stop light at Meijer so I miss my opportunity and have to wait through a whole other round. Or the person who calls and tells me that in HIS opinion I should have to spend the hour and a half on the phone with his insurance company "if I want to get paid", because its not "his responsiblity". Or the poster on who stated that she was going to get through the financial hardships of her pregnancy and birth with governement assistance, and everyone else should quit their jobs and follow suit because who cares that you people are all paying for me to not work and instead try out for american idol while you all struggle to make ends meet doing the right and ethical thing by being responsible members of society?
No wonder my blood pressure is so mugh higher then normal when I have my monthly prenatal visits. I wonder if my doctor would take into account "annoyance" when making his observations.
So what am I going to combat this crazy psychotic episode that I am having? Well, today I started off with putting on a very soft and warm sweater, because it is chilly and I love sweaters. (no good came of it) Then I made myself a hot cup of delicious tea (didn't work). Then I put on a cd of Jim Dale reading Harry Potter. He's British and does all the voices, and its fantastic. (although, it still didn't work) Then I ate some comfy cozy oatmeal. (nothin) I systematically sorted and organized my work for the day. (no dice) I changed my screen background to something autumnish. (still irritated) And, now, after my lunch that wasn't fried at all and therefore not what either me or baby REALLY wanted today (don't onion rings sound good?), I am attempting to listen to some soothing music. A note: last night I put in Yanni for my drive home hoping to curb the road rage, but that Meijer Joker really messed with my zen. Anyhow, we'll see where this gets me. The effect is sort of ruined when I keep having to answer patient phone calls and therefore be brought back to reality.
I really don't like getting so worked up over such menial things. This is a hugely joyful time in my life! I am so incredibly blessed by God that I can't even express all the wonderful things He has done for me...
So why can't I just show it? Why can't I glow and shine and radiate all the gratefulness that I have in my heart? Instead, I just keep (Oh. My. Gosh. I seriously just received a tellemarketing call for dish network! This is insanity!) flaring my nose and taking deep breaths like I am training for battle. A battle to get my sunny personality back...
Friday, September 12, 2008
Good grief.
Our "tech guy" at work, who coincidentally works 9:30ish to 2:30ish (with an hour and a half lunch/errand break in between) and manages his ebay business from our office (no lie, he has the items shipped to our address) is actually completely without a clue when it comes to legitimate technological things. Why does he get away with what he is doing? Because he knows how to do some little network thing with our computer system. Something that I suspect isn't even all that complicated. Something that he won't teach anyone else, because he knows darn well that if he does, he'll be fired, because he's ridiculous. Job security, my friends. Job security. Let me give you a few examples of what we are dealing with here:
Actual Scenario #1
Tech Guy: Hey, Erin, can I ask you something?
Me: Yep.
Tech Guy: I wanna heat up my soup in the microwave...
Me: Okay.
Tech Guy: How do I do that?
Me: ...
Actual Scenario #2
Tech Guy: (shouting to office at large) If I want to send a fax, which slot do I put the paper in?
Seriously. This is not an exaggeration. Now, okay, microwaves and fax machines are built differently, you might say. Erin, you say, he may have just been confused by a newer model or whatever. I understand this. Well noted. HOWEVER, he is getting paid (MUCH more then me, I might add) to work these things out. He should be able to, with a teenie bit of effort, and perhaps trial and error, figure out the crazy button pattern needed (and the fact that he needs to first open his soup can and empty it into a microwavable safe bowl) for himself.
And this probably wouldn't frustrate me too much, if not for the fact that everytime I ask him a true computer question, he first asks me if I "checked the power cord and turned the computer on and off?". Because, though I'm not a tech expert by any means, I am somewhat logical. Toss me a frickin bone here, Man.
So, I will leave you with this, readers... as I pack up my things for the weekend. If you decide to try your luck at computer programming or tech repair, read up on your typical office equipment manuals, or else risk the silent wrath and subsequent eye-rolling of your fellow employees.
Jesus taught patience and compassion. Jesus taught patience and compassion. Patience. And. Compassion. (In my defense, there were no such things as computers, microwaves and fax machines in Jesus' time... I know, I KNOW. That shouldn't matter, but it does. A little.)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Pacey's back in "The Fringe"!

I was only able to catch the last half of the show (long enough to also catch that the former "Jack Deveroux" from Days of Our Lives was also making an appearance- the best Jack Deveroux if you ask me- his replacements were completely lacking- which I mentioned to my husband and he apparently didn't care enough to respond- clearly he was not ever a day-time soap fan), but it was intriguing. A little rough and slow in spots, but definitely worth checking out again. If you like "Lost" or "Heroes" or even the old "X Files" (speaking of which... what on earth is all that David Duchovny being a sex addict gossip all about? I mean, really? A sex addict?! His poor kids- I hope they aren't old enough to read the news. Ew.), this show should be right up your alley. I happen to like these kinds of shows MUCH more then the CSI, NYPD Blue or Law and Order type of fare. Why? Escapism. I don't like real-life scenarios, I can get those on the news. I'd rather stretch my imagination with alternate realities.
So the pilot episode will be making a reappearance on Sunday night- if you are interested in checking it out. I realize I haven't made much of an argument for it- especially if you aren't a Pacey or Jack fan by any stretch of the imagination... but please don't let that deter you. I am just sleepy and not quite able to articulate this morning. However, the episode is sticking with me this morning and I keep hashing over the details, so I know it must have been good. Know what I mean?
That being said, little tidbits from "Lydia's Italy" (a cooking show on PBS where the chef uses copious amounts of butter and salt on everything, so of course its going to be tasty) typically stick with me the next morning too... so who am I to judge?
Just check it out. Sorry this ended up being MUCH less concise and persuasive then I planned. To be frank, I'm not much for concise, though, am I? Which is why I am an aspiring novelist, rather then an aspiring journalist. In my college newspaper days, my editor (Yonika was her name, for real. I love that name. Not enough to name my little popper after her... but enough to still appreciate it after 5 years) always cut out half of my "editorializing". I ask you this, though, how do you write about drag shows, ice fishing and the local bar scene without editorializing? I mean, really.
Enough already. I'm out.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
a tad disillusioned over here...
-Mitt Romney
Okay, so last week I avoided getting political. And truely, its not really my style to harp on things in the political arena. This is for several reasons, the most important of which being that I'm not really all that informed. Probably more informed then most, I suppose, but I am by no means some analyst on CNN that is at all qualified to give my educated opinion freely.
That being said (and noted, I hope), this is my blog and I can write about whatever I wish, and this morning I have something to say about the presidential election.
First of all, I am a moderate. This is the most simplified way of stating that my political beliefs are a direct result of my being a Christ follower and a layperson sociologist. For example, when it comes to abortion, I obviously agree with the Right, but when it comes to welfare, I am much more of a Lefty. I, being the true justice and balance-loving Libra that I am, embrace both parties.
This may sound wishy washy to some, but let me assure you, I am anything but. I am VERY opinionated about my issues, just those opinions happen to fall easily on both ends of the spectrum.
The result of this is that at every possible election, I am undecided. I am a free agent. I am one of those unknowns that politicians everywhere are striving to grasp. It is really kind of fun. Sometimes I make good decisions, sometimes not. I'll admit, last presidential election I voted wrong and although I won't say what I did, suffice it to say, I have rededicated myself to pay way more attention this time around.
Okay... enough of that. I followed the DNC last week with a great deal of enthusiasm. I allowed myself to get wrapped up in the historical moment that it was. I was very impressed by the speeches and the promises and all that... of course. That's exactly what is supposed to happen, am I right?
But what most impressed me- what most stuck with me- was that in Obama's speech, he refused to be angry, bitter, or petty. He, on numerous occasions, focused to unity and change. UNITY being key. He refused to trash the republican's patriotism. I thought that was very interesting and very, well, nobel. I realize he has a lack of time in the white house, and that he has actually shown up in people magazine (against his will, however)... blah blah blah, I realize all of this, and I won't try to defend either party at this point. But I wanted to mention that specific speech because last night, I was very saddened by the republicans speeches.
How focused were they on portraying a "tough, more edgy and aggressive" party? How often did they disregard the dems as weak? It just didn't seem very UNIFYING to me, and frankly, after the last 8 years of discord, a little bit of cooperation and respect seems due, don't you think? Perhaps you don't. And that's alright, but that is exactly what I was thinking. I was thinking... "what happened to telling us how you are going make things better? What about a means to an end, here?" Instead, all I heard was a petty one-sided catfight, and I wasn't all that impressed with the lack of solution presented.
Back to my quote at the top... by Mitt Romney. I didn't see his speech. Personally, I wasn't too interested in it... but reading the overview this morning, it caught my eye and stopped my heart. There may have been a point in time when America was the "hope of the world". Definitely that was the case back when my grandparents we alive and young. But recently, in that last decade or so... not so much. Other countries treat America with contempt and incredulity. (Browse for a bit, and you will see what I mean) It isn't our citizens so much that aggrivate the rest of the world, as our government. Most of this is deserved, I think. We haven't really been a shining beacon of compassion and power of late.
So reading this statement broke my heart. Because it's just not true anymore. But I want it to be true again, and I don't think I am alone in that. I'm not urging you to vote one way or the other. I, myself, am not completely 100% decided. But there is something to be said for the whole "the family that plays together stays together" ideal. I think it might just have a little merit in the government.