"I do not get your Saved by the Bell reference. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but why on earth would you want the lying, scheming trickster to be the president. We have plenty of that already. Cause he's the gang's leader, the one with all the ideas? A pretty boy from a wealthy suburb of LA? Right, my kinda guy. Plus, Zach Morris was in high school for 5 years. :)"
Ah yes, Zach was a schemer, but his heart was always in the right place and he got the job done. Whenever Zach screwed up, he owned up to it- which I admire. Not to mention the "graduation speaker" episode, when we realized that it was Zach that actually outscored Jessi on the SATs. A secret genius.
However, that being said, it was just an analogy and yes, you read way too much into it. I would never vote for a high schooler as president of the United States, and you of all people should remember my distaste for pretty boys. :)
Still, if I had to choose, don't you think Zach would be way more appealing of a choice then Belding? Hands down. :)
Ha. Except the best part of my comment was the fact that the show ran for ever and they were seniors twice... Sheesh. :)
I loved your analogy about "Saved By the Bell" and the presidency. I totally got it! ;-) Ironically, I was just looking up the show last night on IMDb and I found that they only had one senior year, but it was in two parts. Jessie and Kelly left after half of the episodes were finished and then they added Tori to fill in the spots. The last season was so weird because things seem to mix together...not to mention that there was an entire Disney series of "Good Morning Miss Bliss" which was the junior high years for the gang, but it took place in Indiana, and then when it moved to NBC the following year, Zach, Screech, Lisa, and Mr. Belding, all moved to Bayside in California and the halls looked indentical to the school in Indiana...wow...what a show...what a show...I loved it, and to think it only ran for 5 seasons...I thought it ran for like twenty! ;-) Well, I am not counting the New Class or the College Years (those were jokes)...or even the movies (which were not)....well, back to work!
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