Okay, so seriously, what is the difference between these two?! Okay, besides the fact that the one on the left is decidedly more hip looking... but its also $100 more! I am at a loss... this is how my entire "baby browsing" experience has been this afternoon. Everything looks the same and I have absolutely no idea what I am going to need for this little one. I mean, I want permanent infant car seats. And, since Mike and I both drive and may do some shifting around with pick ups and such, it is probably a good idea to get two, isn't it? Or do we just get two bases?
And what about a stroller? I want a jogging stroller so I can get back into my running after the baby is born, but can you use a jogging stroller as a regular stroller or vice versa? And if I can't, do I need a regular stroller, or can I just get a sling /carrier for the baby and use that when I am shopping or running errands? And THEN there is the issue with the baby bathtub thingie. Do you even realize how many different kinds of bath tub seats there are? I am thisclose to just hosing down my baby in the sink with the sprayer while Mike holds it up. Honestly, what's wrong with that?
And do I really need a rocking/gliding/vibrating/swaying-while playing music and giving a personal laser light show chair?! Isn't that just asking for my baby to be ADD? The odds are already stacked against me with my short-attention-spanned hyperactic husband passing along his genes, do I really want to contribute to that?
And finally, diaper bags. Do you even realize how much a hip little diaper bag costs? Like $50-$150! Now really, I don't even spend that much on my own purses, I'm certaintly not going to spend it on something that will likely end up covered in drool-mush cheerios and poop. Can't I just use a book bag or something?
I don't think that its the babies themselves that are all that expensive, really. I think its just the accessories! I am bound and determined to not get caught up in this... so anyone out there with practical experience, please speak up!
PS What was the website again, Kevin? That one with ideas about saving money with kids or something? Ugh.
unfortunately I don't bookmark baby websites...that was why I emailed it to you! plus i've only been looking at belly picture taking websites.
Okay...So Mike and I liked the Car seat that goes from 5 pounds to like 80 pounds or something like that, that is the one that we got for Abbie after our grage sale find car seats were out grown. Or just get 2 bases. You will probally want 2 strollers since you want a jogging one and a regular one, our regular one was only $40. And for the swing just get a basic swing that moves them back and forth. you can also find a bouncy seat that is basic also... I will send you some websites of some different things too. Hope this helps :)
love ya.
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