Things I can no longer do now that I am in my final 8 weeks of pregnancy:
1. Tie my shoes. I've been wearing slip ons for weeks, thank goodness for thick winter socks.
2. Get dressed after breakfast. I can, but it takes much longer and I need a nap afterwords. Seriously. Once there is baby AND food in belly, game over.
3. Eat without mint gum or Tums or a ginormous glass of milk nearby to kill the inevitable heartburn that shows up almost immediately after swallowing.
4. Get off my couch without assistance. If Mike isn't around, I actually have to do the scooch-scooch-scooch to the edge, then rock back and forth grunting like an elderly woman in order to get back on my feet. Wyatt, who is usually cuddling with me, is starting to look concerned. Yesterday, I actually attempted to get him to "fetch up" the couch pillow that fell on the floor after I laid down. He just stared at me.
5. Eat chili magic. So sad. So not worth the sleepless night, though.
6. Live without my constantly filled waterbottle.
7. Enter a store without hitting the bathroom first. And sometimes hitting it again before I leave for home.
8. See my feet.
9. Pick up anything on the floor with out grunting and huffing and steadying myself once I stand up again.
10. Wear a winter coat. Not because they don't fit, I mean, they don't, but because I get too darn hot. I am seriously shocked most mornings by the temperature gadge in my car, because I always feel balmy. Or sweaty. Whichever.
There's plenty more, I am sure, but I also can't remember anything anymore.
I hate to tell you this but if you think your memory is bad now, wait until that baby is born---it only gets worse. After 4 kids I sometimes wonder how I remember my own name.
I agree with Val and even more sad, most of those things a still can't do!
oh yeah and I don't proof read well!
All of those things make me laugh... I love it ... And you!
i just checked this to see if you had promptly posted any baby pictures after Cate told me your little guy had arrived yesterday....congrats on the little dude....its almost shocking how quickly you (hopefully) recover from all those things you couldn't do at seven or eight months pregnant. of course there's tons of new things you cant leave the house until warmer weather sets in...or remember to brush your teeth. can't wait to see what he looks like so i can compare him to our little guy. :) just kidding.
take care,
(cate's friend) Jess
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