Friday, May 8, 2009

Further proof, as if you needed any, that I am a dork.


So I said in my previous entry that I haven't been able to read, and that's not entirely truthful, I haven't been able to read books...

Online fanfiction is another story. I discovered that late night feedings are condusive to internet searching since it only takes one hand to scroll. Really, there isn't much else to do at 12am, 2am and 4 am and I've seen enough shamwow infomercials to last a lifetime. So there. My secret is out. I read fanfiction. Not only do I read it, I read it all the time. Seriously, its addicting! Okay, so some stories are much higher quality then others. Some are just plain smut- though I have learned through trial and error to typically avoid the "M" for mature setting- PG 13 all the way for my little modest heart. Not to mention, its pretty disconcerting to read something over the top, only to find out it was written by a 14 year-old (for real, this happened to me. It was probably the most vulgar thing I've EVER read and when I checked her profile, it was all tennis practice and homework troubles! Talk about embarassing...)

Anyways, I've kind of got it down to a science. Thus far, I've traversed into the Twilight and Harry Potter fanfiction universe. (surprised? I think not.) When reading Twilight, I tend to favor AH, AU, T rating, Canon Pairings, Completed fic. Translated into non-dorky language, that is All-human, alternate universe, teen rating, typical romantically involved couples (learned this one after reading one too many Edward/Jasper, Carlisle/Bella pairings. I mean, really, let's not be ridiculous. Bella would NEVER stomp on Esme that way!), and completed stories (nothing worse the reading something that never was completed by the author. Probably because they got grounded or something. Yeah, I said it. ) Truelly, I hate to read anything that messes with the original story line, so I nix the vampires, which basically makes the stories a typical chic flic, only, online. Again, not surprising when you consider who we're talking about here. You all know my slight obsession with chic flic. I heart happy endings and pink book covers.

As far as the Harry Potter fanfic goes, I am much less open. I read only Post-DH (Deathly Hallows, so we're typically talking Harry/Ginny epilogue) or James and Lilly stories. Only the stuff my girl, JK Rowling, never touched on. Nothing sacred, of course.

And there's some good stuff out there! I doubt any of you are nerdy enough to be interested, but if you are, let me know and I'll make some recommendations. I have hours of sorting through the crazy, out of control world that is fanfiction, behind me!

I know what you are probably thinking, and I have yet to be tempted to write my own... though if I ever make that journey, you will all be first in line to know. It takes much less time to read them to write at this point and time is precious!

Plus, it is one thing to read fanfic, its an entirely other thing to actually write it... a whole 'nother level of "odd duck" and I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet.

PS I'm not THAT bad. My uber cool, ultra intelligent younger PhD program little brother was into warcraft a while back and confessed to me that one night, while playing online, his "partner" had to logg off because "his mom was calling him" (for real) and rather then feeling stupid for playing with an a little guy, he was actually dissapointed because he was losing a good partner!

PPS Don't tell Jonah what a total nerd his mom is. I already have Mike rolling his eyes at me. Although, he's not much better HE watches fishing videos online. Poor, poor Jonah...

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