Thursday, January 27, 2011

What's it like?

So I'm just gonna skip over the whole lengthy and excuse-ridden explaination of where I have been in the past year and some months. Lets just say, their names are Jonah and Alice and they are completely lovely.

That being said (very succinctly, I might add, which is new for me), since the arrival of little (and I mean little) Alice nearly three months ago, I've been asked over and over again by my mostly expecting friends "how is it with two kids?". Here is my reply...

A week or so ago, I came home from my new job as the manager on duty at a quasi swanky health club. It was late, probably about 11 pm and my husband was sitting on the couch looking decidedly exhausted but pleased with himself because both our children were asleep and the house was quiet. Our poor dogs were passed out on their pillow in the center of the living room, where I don't think the arrival of a million UPS guys could rouse them. It was dark and eerily silent, but the various baby and toddler parephenelia scattered about the room gave evidense of a typically busy day.

I went to the sink to grab a glass of water and looked down at my outfit for the first time all evening. I was dressed professionally, which as you all might remember is very uncharacteristic of me. Dark dress pants, black high heels, knee high stockings and a black turtle neck sweater.

Oh, Darnit.

The sweater was on backwards. There beneath my chin was the distinct outline of a tag.

That, my friends, is what it is like to be a mom of two. My intellectual image is ruined slightly by the nerdy tilt to my glasses form when my son decides to wear them as a belt and bends them out of shape. My shoulder is covered in puke stains because of my daughter's sensitve stomach. My maternity pants are falling off me because of the rapid weight loss due to my son's sudden appetite for whatever it is that I am eating and my daughter's eerie sense of timing. My hair hasn't been cut since 2009. Probably around the last time I blogged, actually.

But I love ever blessed second of it.

I may look a mess, but did you know that every time my son wakes from sleeping, he knocks on his door to come out, as one would knock on the door of strangers house? It's pretty much the most hilarious thing ever. And if I sigh around him, not even thinking about it, he asks me "what's the matter, momma?" I mean, really.

And Alice, she has dimples. And blue eyes. Blue!

So yeah, two under two is challenging. Very challenging. Over the mountain challenging.

But so worth it.

1 comment:

Cate said...

Aww. This made me smile. I'm so proud of you.