Anyways, I was thinking to myself about how not only the aforementioned celebs (and celebs in general) can really be stupid in what they say to the public at large, but also how many stupid average Americans get on their high horses and make terrible comments on the Internet.
I think I have even blogged about such things- forever and a half ago.
All well and good for me to feel this way. I'm so above all that, right? Jesus is my best friend- surely I have only the purest and kindest thoughts and as such, that's all that come out of my mouth, of course.
Not so, friends. A little inner reflection this morning and I'm pretty annoyed. When on earth did I get so petty? Last night I ranted about fake boobs for a full 5 minutes at work. Really? I won't get into the details, because really its not important. Suffice it to say, it was unkind and shallow and... unkind and shallow.
I get so passionate about bullying and cyber hate and racism and sexism and whatever-isms, but when it all comes down to it, its all about unkind words and actions, isn't it. Perhaps the women on the Miss USA pageant don't care that some no-name stay-at-home mom ranted about their cosmetic alterations to her friends. And its all well and good for me to say "God is the one true judge" when it comes to heavy issues like abortion or adultery, but then why don't I let Him be the "true judge" of everything else too? Why do I feel the need to put my two sense in? Who the heck am I?
I'm Convicted, that's who. "Weighed, measured and found lacking" by anyone who'd want to judge me. Therefore, I'm blessed that you all aren't the judge of me, just like I'm not the judge of anyone else. Whether it be on my looks, or mothering skills, or managing skills or running skills (thank Jesus) or knitting skills...okay, now I'm just getting ridiculous- but you know what I mean. I'll let the Big Guy judge and I'll bet he could care less about Miss USA's cup size.
Okay... so that was a bit heavy... so here's something light... a series of commercials entitled "don't judge" that are pretty hilarious. Happy Tuesday, everyone! See you next week!
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