Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Brad Paisley is a good egg in my book


So one of my all-time most incredible fan girl stories is of the time that my girl, Meg, and I were chosen for the "hot girl" seats at a Brad Paisley concert.  We were tooling around before the show, sitting on the concrete sidewalk that leads up to the cheapo lawn seats (that we purchased- no shame), when a man came up to us with free passes to the front rows.  According to him, 'Brad likes to take care of his fans' or something along those lines and two young mothers fit the bill.

It was awesome.  We were close enough to touch Brad, if we wanted (we didn't.  it felt creepy) and he put on a fantastic, clean show.  I sang to every song and am pretty sure I might have even cried at a point or two.  In my defense, I was pregnant. 

I think that's why this article struck me.  I saw the selfie that Brad took yesterday and then read up on it this morning.  These Westboro Baptists sure have a lot of time on their hands.

For a group with such high morals, you would hope (and pray) that they would channel that spiritual fervor in to sharing the love of Jesus, rather than spreading fear and pain.

Also, they just seem tacky.

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