"I am confident they will do well together. Their tempers are much alike. They will be cheated assiduously by their servants. And be so generous with the rest, they will always exceed their income." Mr. Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)My good friend (and more often then I would like to admit, "lifesaver"), Katie Freund commented that I should write up a little snippit about being too nice. At her suggestion, I grinned in the rememberance of several lazy afternoon trips to the mall spent griping about the our too-gentle dispositions and the grief they caused our poor, unstable, teenaged hearts.
Ah the curse of being too nice. Is it a curse? I guess at one point in my life, I thought it was. I actually recall a particularly hideous poem that I wrote, back when I did things like that, that was entitled "the cuteness factor". The first line went something like "the cuteness factor is my curse...". I'm not kidding. Anyways, it was absolutely awful and to save the world from having to suffer through any further prose, I promptly ended my carreer as a poet. But not before a friend of mine made a copy of it for his poetry portfolio, which means there is incriminating evidense of my old self out there somewhere.
He was a El-Ed major, if that says anything about the quality.
Anyhow, I no longer feel that way about being nice. So I'm nice. So I like to make others happy, even if, at times, it comes at risk to my own happiness. Some may call me a people pleaser, but I don't think that is accurate. I won't go to any lengths to make others happy. For example, if my husband was like, "Erin, we could really use some extra cash, and I hear that strippers make a killing on the weekends... " Of course, I would never stoop my morals... not that Mike would be happy having a wife as a stripper anyways, so I suppose that isn't the best example, but it is all I could up with this early in the morning.
I don't mind doing things for other people. Really, I don't. I like scratching Mike's belly until he falls asleep. I enjoy baking chocolate chip cookies for my step dad. I get a kick out of taking Bridget and James to the pumpkin farm and I love sending those stupid hallmark e-cards. Furthermore, when the dishes pile up at work, I don't mind being the one to wash them, and I certaintly don't care if other people bank on me being the one to do it.
What I do mind is when people see my efforts as a sign of weakness. I think that if there were one title in the english language that gets me riled, it would be "push-over". I can't begin to tell you how I hate that. Why does our society take something so refreshing and turn it into something less then desireable? Like life is one giant dramatic game of "Survivor". Whatever, if that's what it takes, call me Push-over. Thats me, Erin the Push-Over. That's kinda funny.... reminds me of "Alexander the Great" or "Attilla the Hunn". Sorry, if I spelled that wrong, history is only a hobby for me.
At any rate, I like my sunny personality. And yes, I do have a sunny personality. Some would argue that my last entry sounded slightly bit neurotic and anxious... but it was writing folks. Geesh. I like being 25, okay?
And I'm not just saying that to make you all happy.