Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The trouble with sweet stuff

Seriously, now... what is going on? I have been a completely irrational cranky pants for the last two days and this morning I started to cry because Mike ate my birthday smiley face cookie and threatened to eat my apple doughnut if I didn't get to it.

Not kidding.

There are horrible tragedies going on right this second all over God's creation and I'm have a melt down over baked goods.

How totally ridiculous.

Anyway, I ate the doughnut just now and it was fabulous. Way to make a decision, Erin. Thatta girl. Baby steps.

PS Has anyone ever heard of "Cerberus". Extra credit if you can tell me what it is. Besides the name of my little sister's new pup. Good thing it isn't a child, or he might have grow up to have a complex. :)

1 comment:

Cate said...

I'm sorry you are struggling with what I go through all the time... :) I seriously am going to have to keep it in check when I start teaching or they'll eat me alive. Mike is funny. I miss you guys.