Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dallas School System on

Check out this video clip...

I'd like to see a follow up done in 10 years with these kids to see if they've made it out of their parent's basements and into the real world yet. Yikes.


Unknown said...

I can pretty much guarantee this is directly a result of No Child Left Behind. Schools are put on notice to get their performance up. This results in students graduating from high school who may have attended class 5 times throughout the entire term. Where I'm student teaching, students are allowed to turn in late homework at the end of the quarter. So they will spend one night filling out worksheets/constructing crappy sentences and still get the same grade as the students who were diligent and prepared. Gotta love this society. Parents think their kids can do no wrong and everyone thinks their entitled to anything they want. Whatever happened to teaching that there are consequences for your actions?

I mean, scary video. This will be the norm when Baby Hahn is in school, unless we see serious change.

Kevin Von Qualen said...


Deb said...

Hey, job security for me!

Deb said...

Hey, job security for me!