Most of you know, I am crap with remembering birthdays (reading lots of british chic lit at the moment- so say that with an accent, it sounds cooler). Unfortunately, my husband is even worse. I'm not saying that I am turning over a new leaf or anything (THAT would be way too optimistic), but today, I remembered that it is my good friend's birthday. Mike and I both neglected him last year, for which we felt more than terrible about... because his friendship means so much to us! (For the record, I forgot his beautiful wife, Lindsay's birthday, as well... and I remembered their anniversary an entire month after it's actual date.)
But he passed it over out the kindness of his heart anyhow, and for the first time in my life, I returned the books on time (in case you were wondering). We didn't actually become friends that day- more like a year later when Mike and Kevin became roomates/started their lifelong bromance... but the day still sticks out in my memory.
Kevin is a stand up kind of guy. He's my "slow-walking- I am NOT power walking 14 miles, guys are you kidding me?!" beach buddy (Florida 2002), "laugh-till-you can't stop your face from looking absolutely ridiculous-while watching Super Troopers" buddy, my "they could have stopped making music after 1999, as far as I'm concerned" buddy, and he and his wife have certaintly found a spot in our hearts as our "God knew what He was doing when he made us neighbors" buddies.
And, if you don't already know this by now, he's an incredible photographer (and I am not just saying that because we are on the lifetime-free pics family plan)... I don't know that I have ever plugged his site or blog on my blog before... so here it is.
Check it out, for real. He's amazingly talented.
Happiest Birthday to you, KVQ!
PS I am fully aware that at this point EVERY single person that I have neglected will want to remind me of this now, so I can do a write up on how much their friendship means to me... as much as I would like to say I am on top of that... its a pipe dream my friends. Just know that I love you all and think of you often (even if it's not on the correct day) and if you forget my bdays for the rest of my life, I will never begrudge you, in all fairness.
1 comment:
I almost forgot his birthday too until Kimberly told me...the power of Facebook! ;-)
Love you! Tell Mike I said hello too! :-)
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