Friday, October 3, 2008

Getting all political again...

Am I the only person who doesn't care for the "Joe six pack" title given to the "average" American in the debates?

First of all, my name is Erin, and just because I am middle class doesn't mean that I am unitelligent, so please stop dumbing down your speech to me. Golly gosh darn, if I'm taking the time to watch this debate, I am obviously someone who is attempting to legitimately grasp the politics and views behind the candidates in this election. (Unless you were one of those waiting for "The Office" to click on, and your viewing of the debates was accidental. It could happen.) And what is the whole 6-pack reference, any how? No one thinks this is politically incorrect? I hardley consider the image of a sloppy man drinking cheap beer in middle class bible belt suburbia as indicitive of the general populous. Nor, for that matter, does moose hunting in Alaska after a hockey match really resonate with me, but I'll let that one pass on principal. But "Joe six pack"? Really?

Second of all, to be perfectly frank, I don't want the "average American", no matter how cute they are, running the country. That's why they are the President. They are supposed to be elevated in every aspect of their being in order to run this country to the best of their ability-thus, bringing us up from the muck we've been submitted to the past 8 years. I'm not saying that I expect the elected official to be perfect. That's ignorant and completely unreasonable. I am just saying that I would hope that they would be the best of the best, the cream of the crop, if you will. The validictorian and prom king or queen all in one. You know what I mean?

Put simply, I want Zach Morris. Not Lisa Turtle, not Kelly Kopowski and for heavens sake, not AC Slater! Screech could be VP, I would trust him over Jessi "addicted to speed" Spano any day. But Zach's my man.

Yes, the candidate should be able to relate to the average American. Yes they should look out and sympathize for the average American. But they do not need to be the average American.

In my opinion.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hmmm... I like totally thought she meant Joe Six-pack, as in "tall, tan, blonde, with really ripped abs." Wrong six-pack? My mistake.

I do not get your Saved by the Bell reference. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but why on earth would you want the lying, scheming trickster to be the president. We have plenty of that already. Cause he's the gang's leader, the one with all the ideas? A pretty boy from a wealthy suburb of LA? Right, my kinda guy. Plus, Zach Morris was in high school for 5 years. :)