Thursday, October 1, 2009

The last two years...

Two years, my friends. I started this blog just over two years ago with the entry above. My "coming of age" entry. The entry in which I lamented my quarter-century birthday. Check it out; it's pretty quality, if I do say so myself. Okay, a tad bit self-seeking and whiny, but good nonetheless.

Today, I have officially dropped off the cliff of my midtwenties into the vast canyon that is my late twenties. And how am I feeling about this you may ask (whilst cringing to yourself because you really don't want to hear it if I'm still cranky-McCrankerson about the whole thing)?

Eh, well, dearies, its not that bad.

I know, right? Egads, Erin's not in mourning on her birthday?! What is this world coming to?

No, I guess I'm not.

Don't get me wrong, things are often times still messy in my crazy, mixed up little world.

I do have dark circles under my eyes, and two years ago, I didn't even know what that meant.

I'm wearing unflattering khaki pants that I bought at Kohls. Not Anne Taylor. Not Gap or Banana Republic. Kohls. "Expect Great Things", right? But seriously, don't buy these pants. (although, at some point, its got to be the wearer's fault, I suppose. Perhaps its my post baby thighs that are less then flattering. Let's think about that later, today is my birthday afterall.)

My knees are achy from sitting at a computer day and day out.

And my brain is starting to petrify from lack of use.

I sometimes forget to brush my teeth on Saturdays (I think its the absence of my weekday routine that throws me off).
Last night, I watched baby einstien. It was only for about 5 minutes and Jonah was definitely in the room with me. But still.

This entire week, my husband and I have been glued to the couch each night to watch "National Parks: America's Best Idea" on PBS and we were actually lamenting our lack of DVRing capabilities since we won't be able to do a re-watch. Not lying.

All very clear signs that I am older. Not all bad, though. I mean, to my decidedly hipper 25 year old self, maybe it would appear as though I've let myself go, but I'm okay with it. Well okay, not the thigh part, but as I said, we're not thinking of that today.

I have a beautiful baby boy who looks at me like I'm the sunshine in his day. My husband is still the funniest guy I know and he's somehow able to make me thankful that he asked me to marry him every single moment we spend together. Even the ones that are less then pleasant. I still have my health, a decent job and a truck that gets me places. My family still loves eachother and me and they are all accomplishing truely magnificient things, all of which I find myself a part of.

My man, JC, He takes good care of me and mine and really, there is very little I can find that could make me think ill of my turning another year older. (Don't. Focus. On. The. Thighs.)

So there. You all thought I would piss and moan and I didn't. Maybe I am growing up, afterall.

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