Friday, October 2, 2009

a look back at the last 7 months...

So I've been scrolling through my old facebook status'... I was thinking of the ginormous gaps that I've left in my blog since Jonah was born and I thought this would be an interesting way to catch you all up... they are in order from most recent to least recent...

nothin says "Happy Friday" like waking up to a baby poohsaster. At least I've learned to hand the boy a toy before removing the diaper so he doesn't play in the squishiness below and rub it all over his belly and mine like he did yesterday. For realsies.

I've decided that not much has changed since I became a mom except for a decided lack of privacy that has increased tenfold now that my son can crawl. The world is his oyster, and that includes the bathroom. Is nothing sacred anymore?

Okay, found Jonah's social security card this morning and then got an email confirming that he's getting an official laminated name tag for the church nursery... this is nuts. I really have a son. I know he's been around 6+ months, b...ut still... sometimes these things just hit you upside the head.

thinks its just so wonderful that her little boy looks at her like she's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen no matter how terribly out of fashion and stressed out and frazzled she looks.

big weekend for the littlest Hahn: learned to crawl (watch out, he's on a roll and he loves vents!), learned to sit by himself (makes getting dressed so much easier!) and learned to drive the boat (he'll be captaining TMR booze cruises in time!) all on his 6 month birthday (seriously, can you believe he's that old already?!). Pictures to follow.

thought it was Tuesday until I saw my facebook status and realized that Tuesday was yesterday. Seriously. Some people find out their relationship status on facebook, I find out what day it is. Babies totes suck out your brain, for real.

got a sleepy smile and a cuddle from my baby boy before I left for work way early this morning, and everything is right in the world. :)

just got caught singing the elephant show theme song and doing a goofy dance by the meter man through an open window. Unfortunately, Jonah was in the other room and I'm pretty sure the guy probably thought I was signing to myself, rather then m...y baby, which I swear I wasn't. Even if sometimes Jonah ignores me.

has finally shaved her legs and is celebrating by wearing a jean skirt on this beautiful summers day. It really is wonderful to be able to take a shower longer then 3 minutes every now and again.

used to think she would get excited at the end of her work day to go home to her hubbie... and she still does, but its NOTHING compared to how completely exstatic she is to go home to her little boy! Man I love that little drooley kid.

okay, kids, today was a monumental stepping stone in young Jonah's life (and thus, his mom's). We were finally able to agree on music for the car ride, and it wasn't baby einstein. Yes, my facebook friends, my son is a closet tree hugger like his momma.

is listening to her husband singing "Amazing Grace" to her little boy to drift him off to sleep. Doesn't get much sweeter then this.

riddle me this all you "back to sleep" SIDs compaigners... what on earth are you supposed to do when you son insists on rolling over to his tummy when he sleeps? He's a force to be reckoned with, this one!

is working an insane amount today so she can take the little bugger to meet his crazy family in Indy... thank heavens for Aunt Cassie and her super nephew-sitting skills! (not to mention the starbucks she promised to bring me...)

*thinks* that she may have sucessfully weaned Jonah off the pacifier and swaddleme for sleeping time, of course now she needs to sing him to sleep until her throat is hoarse and he may never appreciate music ever again... but still. I count it as a trium

is wondering if anyone has any napping tips? Jonah sleeps like a champ at night, but the concept of a nap is a bit lost on him.

promises that not all her status updates will be about Sesame Street, even though she is a mom, now, and thus a gazillion points lower on the global "hipness scale". THAT being said, my man Gordon is STILL on that show. I loved that guy! Today, there wa

just watched "Seseme Street" with Jonah and Elmo seriously got an email from Grover. About penguins, in case you were wondering.

is having a little bit of a rough start this morning since her little "Thumper" deicded to chat it up for a good hour around 3 am. Funny, that's when he was up and moving when I was pregnant with him, too...

just realized that Harry Potter and the Half blood Prince comes out NEXT MONTH! Man, having a baby around to distract me really makes time fly. I should have done this YEARS ago, when I was waiting for all those darn books to come out...

is hoping Jonah will keep napping just a bit longer, so his momma can jump in the shower.... nothing worse then an inconsolable baby when you're good and sudsy.

is digging on the fact that my son LOVES the Beach Boys. We've been jammin out this beautiful morning and he was histerical during "help me Rhonda"! Goodness being a mom is fun.

and Jonah just came back from a nice long walk on this beautiful day- the point, however, was not only to enjoy the outdoors, but also to lull him to sleep so I can work. Which he did, he fell asleep pretty much imediately upon walking out our door and t

is ready for her Mike to come home. Jonah's ready, too.

just took a cyber beating equivalent to a middle school playground smack down on the babycenter boards for defending a first time mom who asked a question about adding rice cereal to her kids bottle. Seriously? She was JUST asking! Yeesh. Not like she

is kind of dreading today... Jonah has shots at the doctor this morning (and if I make through the ordeal without crying, it will be a miracle) and then I have to head into the office this afternoon and attempt to work on my computer that seems to have be

is in the office and drinking coffee this morning... wow. feels like the old days, except I keep thinking of my little guy at his Grandma's... so a little bit different, I suppose. Happy Friday, everyone!

knew that it was a bad idea to give Jonah his night feeding so early... we just aren't ready to make that kind of step.

is finally able to get her wedding band back on after all that pregnancy-induced puffiness... the engagement ring is a work-in-progress, just yet. I'll keep you posted.

is procrastinating starting her morning... but if I wait too long, Jonah will start it for me and THAT will take all day to recover from... Good news is that its BEAUTIFUL outside!

is officially getting the curls chopped this morning. Sorry, Jonah, no more hanging on by your momma's hair! Now I know why "mommy cuts" happen... and I'm not afraid to say that's what I'm getting!

is spending all her free time coaxing smiles out of her son over and over. Its honestly the cutest thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

was JUST congratulating herself on finally kind of getting the hang of this whole baby thing... and then Jonah decided to prove her wrong with a nice'n fussy afternoon... and when I say fussy, I mean out of control screaming at the top of his lungs for a

read that babies should be able to fall asleep on their own without rocking or whatever... TWO HOURS later, Jonah is finally sleeping soundly. For the record, I can rock him to sleep in minutes. Ugh.

is cleaning her house with Jonah in the carrier- I'm totally afraid he's going to fall in the washing machine one of these times, but he loves it.

is going stir crazy and wishing it was a bit warmer so that she and Jonah could take a walk. I can only dance around my kitchen for so long...

is laughing at her son who is riding in his swing like he's on a rollarcoaster with his arms in the air. I'm a little jealous there isn't one of these in my size- it looks like fun!

is slowly figuring out her son- likes: Jimmy Eat World, dancing around with his mom and eating just to eat. Dislikes: his swing, circus music and socks.

is watching her son try to eat his overalls.

just really can't stop staring at her little boy. Does this ever go away? Because I'm having a difficult time getting anything done, here.

slept better last night then she did her entire pregnancy- go figure. Jonah is quite a guy.

Okay, for the record, jonah was 8lbs12oz ... Not 4oz... Give me some credit, here!

ITS A BOY! Jonah Britton Hahn 8lbs 4oz 20.5" born 4:02 pm, sorry I forgot the camera at the hospital I'll post pics soon. -Mike


Cate said...

This is sa-weet. Print this out and save it... It's beautiful, random and not over-thought. Love it.

LVQ said...

I'm so happy you did this post because I missed the especially important statuses about Jonah crawling and sitting. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM!

mom said...

I have to say this made me a little weepy thinking about how fast time is flying by. He is just the greatest little guy! And by the way, I still want to stare at my kids but they always say "what". You just can't stare when they get a certain age!

Anonymous said...

Hi there

This post was interesting, how long did it take you to write?