Friday, October 2, 2009

The things we'll say when anonymous on cyberspace...

"Ah Harry, how often this happens, even between the best of friends... each of us believes that what he has to say is much more important then what the other might contribute."

- Dumbledore Half Blood Prince

I've been doing a fair amount of thumb-twiddling today. Our IT guy was out of the office for a large portion of my work day (I won't get into the hows and whys... suffice it to say, it's happened before) and the two computers (yes, two, I'm terribly important) that I typically work on were out of commission. Just a fluke of nature or karma or perhaps God's way of telling me to take it easy, I suppose, but its been arduous and just plain old boring, around Erin's cube this dreary fall day (Note: not that I'd know it was dreary- no windows in my cube; but every now and again I catch a glimpse of what lies beyond when I venture out to the restrooms).

So, anyways, I've been surfing the net. Typically I favor and for my daily new fixes. A little bit serious and a little bit frivolous (very indicative, if you ask me). Anyways, I normally just skim the headlines and articles if they catch my eye and then close my browser and move on with my day. However, since I've been held up this afternoon, I've been perusing comments.


Wow. Wow. Wow.

People are boldy vicious when they have the anonymity of the internet to hide their true identities!

I've read articles on the Letterman scandal (yeesh, that must of been akward to witness live), the 2016 olympics bid and last night's episode of Survivor. The first two, I imagine would cause a bit of controversy regardless, but a reality TV show?! Heaven's above, folks sure get a fire under their butts about those tribal councils!

Here's a few choice samples of what I found:

"umm…it’s creep, not creap. perhaps you should return to school. Or did you never go? " (Let's not even get into the grammer issues on this particular entry... All I want to say is 'Pot. Kettle.')

"letterman is simply a moronic idiotic fool! I’ve know this for years, and now the whole country knows it! Hopefully, this will lead to his downfall, so we no longer have to see or listen to this miserable pathetic stupid man!" (Further adjectives need not apply)

"All of these “christian value” motivated people so eager and delighted to judge and condemn. Forget, the obvious fact that you have no context for any of the relationships or knowledge of where he and his wife stand together, you are eager and happy to condem. So Christlike." (so many were "so eager" to throw religion in the mix... forgive me if I don't see the validity of anonymouosly arguing theology on the Entertainment Weekly comment boards...)


Anyways, if every you have the chance, dear friends, check out the comment boards. It'll make you eternally grateful for the distinct lack of bitter and angsty drama in your own lives.

Unless you are one of those commenters, yourself. In which case, stay away from my comment button. My feelings get hurt easily.

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