Well, well, well... look who's back!
Okay, I know. Its been a ridiculously long time, but I have a reasonable excuse and I promise to give my most sincere effort to not let this long of a lag in blog entries happen ever again...
That being said, I would like my first effort in returning to the wonderful world of blogging to be an ode to my last entry, done 8 weeks prior to Jonah's birth (which will be referred to from this point on as PJ, as in "pre-Jonah". For obvious reasons, we won't use "before-Jonah".) (if it isn't obvious, that's just fine. forget I mentioned it.) This was actually inspired by Jess- whose little guy was born a month P-J, and who's been a late night life saver on my facebook messanger a time or two. Thanks, Jess.
Things I can't do anymore (8 weeks after Jonah):
1. Go to the bathroom with the door closed. Please, oh please don't let my neighbors ever see me pee!
2. Take a shower longer then 7 and a half minutes (for real, I think that's my personal best)
3. Button my old jeans... which is odd because...
4. Eat three, make that two square meals a day. I subsist on cheese-its and "dark chocolate and nuts trail mix" bars by Nature Valley.
5. Watch an entire episode of anything except cooking shows. For some reason my son LOVES cooking shows. Lydia's Italy is his current fav. He loves the butter and carbs, just like his momma.
6. Wash my hands enough. I mean it, be careful when you shake my hands, you have no idea if I had the chance to soap up after a diaper change! And chances are, I have no idea either.
7. Get grossed out from poop. Honestly, I hardly even notice and there's been some real doosies!
8. Talk in a normally-pitched voice. Its getting higher and higher every day. I can't help it! He smiles more the squeakier I go!
9. Listen to obnoxiously loud, angry music in the car. Its all baby einstein travel tunes and lifehouse these days. Yes, Erin Hahn, music snob extroidinaire, listens to plinky motzart performed with annoying yet oddly comforting, whistles and xylaphones.
10. Remember to take care of myself. A big ol "Amen" to Jess' comment about brushing teeth. I'd add to that: shaving my legs, washing my make up off at the end of the day (if I even put it on), lotioning up, deoderant (I have some strategically placed all over, in case I notice I forgot. In fact, I have chewing gum all over, too... in case I forget to brush my teeth and lotion in the car, for when I forget that, too. That just leaves shaving, which, lets face it, was a lost cause P-J, anyways.)
11. Go right to sleep without checking "just one more time" that he's still breathing.
12. Carry a purse. That was a biggie for me, only because I used to LOVE handbags of all shapes and sizes. Now the only size is LARGE and it contains all Jonah parephenelia and my chapstick.
13. Look in to my son's smiling face and NOT see his father, or vice versa. And I love that.
14. Read a book! Seriously, did you ever think I would say that? I can kind of read, just its in very small stints and only when Jonah is asleep and Mike isn't around... I imagine I will work out something eventually. Harry Potter movie this summer and Twilight movie next fall... I'll need to reread and prep for those...
15. Remember what it was like to not be a mom and totally in love with my little boy... but that's okay.
At any rate, there are lots of things I can't do, but they seem very minimal in the grand Jonah-filled picture, if you want to know the truth. I live each day in a crazy, multitasking blur, but its essentially all done in order for me to be able to freeze time for just a bit and watch Jonah smile and coo for his mom. And that, readers, is completely worth all of it.